
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Medieval Magic

Although the Western European Middle Ages considered themselves thoroughly Christianized, they had plenty of un-Christian "lapses." One was on the subject of magic, twisting nature to match your whims. Magic was thoroughly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments, but practices such as divination via different methods, use of charms and potions for healing, warding off danger, and sorcery were studied and performed.

Astrology as a significant part of the study of magic and the way the world worked. Zodiac signs were considered to correspond to different body parts, and health/illness were connected to astrological influences. This was so accepted that all the signs of the zodiac are engraved on the walls of the San Miniato al Monte basilica in Florence, Italy, begun in 1018 CE. (see illustration)

Divination, the attempt to learn things that are hidden from human faculties or are events in the future, was classified by Isidore of Seville. There were four primary types attached to the four elements (geomancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, and pyromancy), as well as observing the natural world (astrology, birds flying either left or right, etc.).

Medical Magic was acceptable, described in leechbooks. Besides just medicines, there were Masses to bless the herbs used, and actions listed such as spitting and reciting verses to make the cure effective. Even inscribing the names of the evangelists on straws and mixing them with the medicine was considered an important part of ensuring efficacy.

There were attempts to condemn magic over time. In 1456, Bavarian physician Johannes Hartlieb listed seven prohibited arts: the four types of divination of Isidore, as well as nigromancy ("black" magic; not to be confused with necromancy, "corpse" magic), chiromancy (reading palms), and scapulimancy (use of the shoulder blades, scapulae, to foretell the future).

Let's take a closer look at San Miniato al Monte next time, the church founded by a headless saint.

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