Daily Medieval
A daily post on the Middle Ages by Tim Shaw.
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The Walking Dead of Orderic Vitalis
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Geoffrey Plantagenet
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Geoffrey Plantagenet
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Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Gerald and Henry's Sons
Gerald of Wales (c.1146 - 1223) wrote about Henry II and his sons, giving a different facet to the most prominent figures in England at the ...
Sunday, July 30, 2023
William Longchamp
William Longchamp (or "de Longchamp") achieved success the old-fashioned way: he paid lots of money for it. That's not fair; b...
Monday, October 31, 2022
Young Henry's Revolt, 1173
Henry II had conflicts with the Scotland, with Ireland, with Wales, with France, but the most difficult conflicts may have been with his fam...
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Fair Rosamund
Fair Rosamund's Well today. Blenheim Palace is of fairly recent vintage—the early 1700s is "recent" in the context of a bl...
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